From: Laeh-Maggie Garfield
Sent: Tue Mar 15 16:23:03 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: Pesticides in water = CANCER in humans
Importance: Normal
If you are not shaken by the sight of bribe money offered then let the lobbyist be outed so that the rest of us can enjoy our lives without undergoing cancer treatments.
Herbicides and pesticides have destroyed the McKenzie and every other river in our state. Why should these corporations like Monsanto feast on our bodies while
we die of their profiteering. Pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer these did happen 60 years ago but not so often. In our times as Round-up and other destructive
unproven pesticides and herbicides are leached into our rivers daily people develop these fatty tissue cancers at the rate of 1 out of every two persons.
Adopt the draft human health criteria for toxics based on the accurate fish consumption rate of 175 grams per day.
No variations for profit. Only variation to ensure the health of citizens and the animals they care for.
Laeh- Maggie Garfield