From: Fran Recht

Sent: Tue Mar 15 21:13:06 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: toxics rule making comments

Importance: Normal


Andrea Matzke

Oregon DEQ,
Water Quality Division

811 SW 6th Avenue

Portland, OR 97204

submitted by email 3/15/2011 to :


Dear Ms. Matzke


I support the new proposed water quality

standards for Oregon. I want Oregon to

be strong on this.


I support the adoption of human health

criteria for pesticides and other toxins

based on the

accurate fish consumption rate of 175

grams per day. (In fact fish consumption

is rising and this may

not be protective enough).


I do not support opening up the variance

procedure. I want to limit the variance

rule only to standards that are affected

by this

particular rulemaking.


Thank you for accepting these comments.




Fran Recht

P.O. Box 221

Depoe Bay, OR 97341