From: Shepard Smith
Sent: Wed Mar 16 10:29:38 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: water quality
Importance: Normal
I support Oregon State's DEQ recommendation to adjust standards to
better serve all Oregonian's, especially those with diets and traditions
dependent on fish and shellfish.
I urge the Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental
Quality Commission to adopt Oregon's draft human health criteria for
toxics based on the accurate fish consumption of 175 grams per day. This
rate is a joint recommendation of the US EPA, the Confederated Tribes of
the Umatilla Indian Reservation and Oregon's DEQ.
I urge the DEQ and EQC not to undermine their own efforts by making it
easier to obtain "variances" to current standards. The new variance rule
should be limited to only those standards that have changed as a result
of the current process.
Shepard Smith
Soilsmith Services, Inc.