From: Wayne Miller
Sent: Fri Mar 18 10:05:33 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: toxic fish
Importance: Normal
Good folk
The desired measure for rule making as regards fish consumption , is 175 grams per day, not the ridiculous figure of 6.5 grams. I, however, don't personally consume that much fish per day, because I have read Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring." That book should be required reading for anyone contemplating laws governing the the use of pesticides. It isn't just Oregon's rivers and aquifers the are being contaminated.
Pesticides have a half-life endurance that can last for hundreds of years. They all end up in the ocean and consequently in the seafood. The big fish that eat the smaller fish concentrate these toxins to the third and fourth power. Think about what you're doing the next time you're having grilled Halibut at your favorite restaurant.
Wayne Miller