From: MATZKE Andrea

Sent: Fri Mar 25 12:13:45 2011

To: BRANDON Stephanie

Cc: GRABHAM Cheryl

Subject: FW: CTGR Tribal Council Resolution re: ODEQ proposed WQS

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; CTGR_Resolution_2011_WQS.pdf;


Hi Stephanie,

The Grand Ronde mistakenly put the wrong council resolution in their comment letter to us. This is the correction. Could you make sure that this document replaces the incorrect one they sent?



From: Brandy Humphreys []

Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 12:06 PM

To: MATZKE Andrea

Subject: CTGR Tribal Council Resolution re: ODEQ proposed WQS

Good afternoon, Andrea!

Attached is the Grand Ronde Tribal Council Resolution to replace the one incorrectly enclosed with our comment letter last week.

Thank you so much for your assistance!


Brandy Humphreys

Natural Resources

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

47010 SW Hebo Rd

PO Box 10

Grand Ronde, OR 97347


503-879-5622 (fax)
