From: Carine Arendes

Sent: Tue Feb 08 15:06:54 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: Please protect Oregonians from toxic pollution

Importance: Normal





To the decision makers at the Oregon DEQ:


I strongly support the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s proposed rule changes to reduce toxic pollution in Oregon’s waterways.


The new rules will help Oregon come closer to meeting federal water quality standards, and protecting Oregonians who eat fish on a regular basis. Stronger requirements that prevent toxic pollution from industries, agriculture, forestry, and cities are necessary to protect human health and the environment.


I appreciate that DEQ worked with an advisory committee including the affected industries to ensure that the revised rules are feasible to implement.


Please adopt these important new requirements to ensure that one day every Oregonian will be free to swim, boat, and fish in our rivers–and to eat what they catch–without being exposed to dangerous toxics.




Carine Arendes

9524 SW North Dakota St

Portland, OR 97223