From: Dianne Barton

Sent: Mon Mar 21 15:10:09 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: Human Health Toxic Pollutants Rulemaking

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2011 03 21 Letter to Andrea Matzke OR DEQ.pdf;


Dear Andrea,


Attached in a PDF file are comments on the Human Health Toxics Rulemaking by B. Paul Lumley, Executive Director, CRITRC.


A hard copy of the same letter has been mailed to Oregon DEQ, Water Quality Division in Portland, OR.


Thank you for all of your efforts in this process.


Dianne Barton




Dianne Barton

Water Quality Coordinator

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

729 NE Oregon St., Suite 200

Portland, OR 97232

General Line: (503)238-0667

Direct Line: (503)731-1259

Fax: (503)235-4228
