Sent: Mon Mar 21 15:36:22 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: ODEQ Proposed TMDLs
Importance: Normal
I would like to make a comment on the Proposed Revised Standards for Toxic Water Pollutants: Of my 30 plus years of Placer mining, and as with many other outdoor folks that love to be in the outdoors of Oregon and enjoy nature.
Not only will the miners be affected by the ongoing and increasing restrictiveness of ODEQ. Farmers, Ranchers, and Forestry will have
extreme economic hardship on business.
The so called (Turbidity) standards have no science at all - if a person looked at a river as it is raining and the water is brown one would
say someone must be dredging up stream, just look at all of this Turbidity. ( The water is brown for days and it is from bank to bank).
As for being a pollutant, well, the contents of the rivers and streams have been put in place by these water ways and nature, these water
ways move these gravel, sand, and sediment around every year on heavy runoff periods. To have a NPDES permit is about the
most ridicules idea. A polluted discharge by a dredger - how dumb - if anything, pollutants are being taken out of the water,
mercury, lead.
Louis Frick
Jefferson, Oregon
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