From: inec

Sent: Mon Mar 21 18:42:05 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: Testimony on DEQ Water Quality and Fish Consumption Rules

Importance: Normal


Andrea Matzke March 21, 2011

Oregon DEQ

Water Quality Division

811 SW Sixth Ave.

Portland, OR 9720

Dear Ms. Matzke,

On behalf of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon’s Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns, I am pleased to express our support for revised rules proposed by the Oregon DEQ that are based on human health criteria that take into account our diversity in Oregon.

As a faith-based program whose mission is to work for justice and the care and renewal of the earth, clean water for all people in our state is very important to us. Clean water is the cornerstone of human health including the quality of the food that week and is vital to our economy through healthier and more productive fisheries. All Oregonians who enjoy eating local fish will should be protected from exposure from harmful pollutants through enhanced water quality standards.

Protecting the most vulnerable in our community is central to our religious values. For example, in the Christian tradition, Jesus’s word “as you do unto the least of these, you do unto me” strikes at the heart of the issue of levels of toxics in the water and fish consumption. The tribes of the Columbia River consume much more fish than the average Oregonian. Also, many immigrant populations consume higher levels of local fish. They are already socially and economically disadvantaged. How can we not take into account the diversity of fish consumption in our state and set standards that reflect environmental justice?

We urge the adoption of the following”

1. Adopt the draft human health criteria for toxics based on the accurate fish consumption rate of 175 grams per day.


2. Limit the variance rule only to standards that are affected by this rulemaking.

People of all cultures and background deserve protection from disproportionate environmental harm. We all benefit by setting standards to protect the most vulnerable. Please adopt the ruling. Thank you for the opportunity to share our concerns and opinion on this ruling.


Jenny Holmes, EMO Environmental Ministries Director, 503-221-1054, ext. 214