
Sent: Wed Feb 16 15:13:03 2011

To: ToxicsRuleMaking

Subject: cc:

Importance: Normal


Sent via email to: Representative Dembrow


It is clear that the new water regulations being considered by the Oregon DEQ are the single biggest threat to Oregon`s economy today.


Our industries, particularly manufacturing and agriculture, employ hundreds of thousands of Oregonians. They are already going above and beyond to maintain clean water standards. The new Oregon DEQ regulations are the most strict water standards in the nation - far more strict than federal standards and significantly more stringent than any statewide standard in the US.


Oregon`s unemployment rate still sits at 10 percent. Key Oregon industries and employers would not be able to operate under such a regulatory scheme. The costs involved would cripple major employers and industries in the state - causing an even more acute employment crisis in Oregon. The economic impact on Oregon manufacturing of initial compliance with the new regulations is estimated to exceed $500 million, with a $30 to $90 million additional operating cost per manufacturing facility.


The costs to Oregon agriculture are incalculable at this point, but would cripple our key agricultural industries and make Oregon uncompetitive in the marketplace.


Despite the extraordinary cost, the new water quality standards will still be nearly impossible to reach.

In fact, the Science Application International Corporation recently reported that the technology to uphold the new Oregon criteria may not even be available and will, at the least, cause `severe economic hardships.`


Please convey to DEQ that now is not the time to adopt new regulations that will crush key Oregon industries and further dampen our state`s employment base.






Mr. Sam Fierro

Branch Manager

Security Contractor Services

12520 NE Whitaker Way

Portland Or 97230
