From: judy Little
Sent: Thu Mar 03 20:31:11 2011
To: ToxicsRuleMaking
Subject: Please Reduce Toxic Pollution
Importance: Normal
Andrea Matzke,
I am writing to express my support for DEQ adopting its proposed new toxics standards immediately. I also urge you to apply the new toxic limits to polluted stormwater, and to keep the rules strong without loopholes for polluters.
I believe that changing the toxics standards to more accurately reflect the amount of fish that Oregonians really eat (175 grams per day) will more effectively help protect our citizens and our environment. These changes will result in better water quality and healthier people and fish. However, I am concerned that the new standards could be undermined if DEQ issues "variances" from the new rules.
I would also like to see the new rules cover toxics contained in stormwater pollution. The current DEQ proposal does not attempt to change rules for cities and industrial stormwater discharge permits for the same pollutants that are rendering our waterways toxic. I see this as unacceptable as study after study shows that stormwater is laden with toxics.
It's time to revise our state's toxics standards. I urge you to enact these changes immediately to protect the people of Oregon and our water now.
judy Little
807 SOuth Mountain Avenue
Ashland, OR 97520