
February 16, 2010 Conference Call


DRAFT Facilitator’s Summary


The following notes are a summary of issues discussed and issues that may need further discussion at upcoming meetings.


Present for all or part of the call:

Workgroup Members: Nina Bell (NW Environmental Associates), Myron Burr (Siltronic), Michael Campbell (Industrial Dischargers), Rich Garber (AOI), Dave Kliewer (ACWA), Peter Ruffier (League of Oregon Cities), Ryan Sudbury (CTUIR), Kathryn Van Natta (Northwest Pulp and Paper).


Other Representatives: Spencer Bohaboy (DEQ), Kathleen Feehan (CTUIR), Ellen Hammond (on phone, ODA), Jannine Jennings (EPA), Andrea Matzke (DEQ), Neil Mullane (DEQ), Debra Sturdevant (DEQ), Jennifer Wigal (DEQ).


Also Present: Donna Silverberg and Erin Halton, DS Consulting Facilitation Team.


Presentation of Implementation Tool Ideas

•  Ryan Sudbury, CTUIR, referred the group to an “Offsets White Paper” that had been shared via email prior to the call. Sudbury noted that this tool was developed in California, who worked in conjunction with EPA Region 9. He noted that this tool is different than the way DEQ proposed offsets in that it would require sources to meet a baseline level first. He thought this might be particularly effective for background concentration issues expressed by other members. RWG members discussed how this tool might fit in the NPS arena.

o  Action: Ryan Sudbury will email RWG members supporting documents and asked RWG members to provide him specific questions/comments via email between now and the 2/23 RWG meeting; this tool will be discussed further at the next meeting.


•  Kathryn Van Natta, NWPP, referred the group to a Federal Register Notice on a delayed, regulated implementation approach developed in Florida. She noted that this approach recognizes the need for an explicit regulatory mechanism that moves in a step-wise fashion. She added that a delayed implementation date might better allow for creativity and flexibility and improvements on the ground while also allowing for DEQ’s work to be level-loaded so that they would have the resources to manage the process.

o  Action: DEQ will coordinate with EPA on a response to this; RWG members are encouraged to call/email DEQ directly with additional thoughts/feedback; this will be discussed further at the 2/23 meeting.

•  Myron Burr, Siltronic, referred the group to three tools: intake credits, background concentration allowances, and reasonable potential analysis. Neil Mullane, DEQ, suggested that those interested in discussing these tools further could do so via another conference call.

o  Action: Myron Burr and Peter Ruffier planned to continue discussing these tools with Spencer Bohaboy, DEQ at a time/date to be determined offline.


•  Michael Campbell, representing industrial dischargers, referred the group to the idea regarding allowances for background levels. He stated that this tool needs to be built into the standards themselves.

o  Action: DEQ will work on how this might play out in a few different types of streams and also provide some end caps for comparison. DEQ will email this out along with a document produced by Spencer Bohaboy for further discussion at the 2/23 meeting.


•  Peter Ruffier, League of Oregon Cities, raised the idea of a general or pollutant specific permit as a possible tool. He noted that these tools would work well for those facilities that did not have the expertise and resources to perform full analyses. He added that these tools might be used to fill the gap while a TMDL was being performed.

o   Action: DEQ will provide information on how this tool might work for discussion at the 2/23 meeting.


•  Rich Garber, AOI, commented that, for background legacy pollutants, there needs to be some mechanism for handling those situations that arise with more or newly promulgated detection methods.


Next Meetings: Feb 23rd 10-4 at the Port of Portland Building near the Chinatown Max Station.



These notes drafted and submitted by the third-party facilitation team from DS Consulting. For comments or changes, please contact Erin Halton at or 503-248-4703.