Rulemaking Workgroup Session #12
February 23, 2010, 9:30 – 3:30
Location: Port of Portland: Commission Conference Room
121 NW Everett Street
Portland, OR
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Access Code: 503-326-5873
9:15 Gather and Settle
9:30 Welcome and Introductions (Donna Silverberg)
▪ Updates and Announcements
▪ Comments on January 29 minutes
9:45 Objectives for Today’s Meeting (Donna Silverberg/Jennifer Wigal)
To have a productive discussion of implementation tools for possible inclusion in DEQ’s
water quality rules including clarification of those tools that will not be included and why not
10:00 Pollutant Specific General Permit (Spencer Bohaboy)
Objective: Describe approach, provide hypothetical example, identify pros and cons, and determine if this tool should be pursued by DEQ
10:40 Restoration Standards (Andrea Matzke)
Objective: Describe approach based on January 26, 2010 Federal Register notice for Florida nutrient criteria, identify pros and cons, and determine if this tool should be pursued by DEQ
11:15 Delayed Implementation of Revised Criteria (Debra Sturdevant/Jennifer Wigal)
Objective: Describe approach, identify pros and cons, and determine if DEQ should delay implementation
12:15 LUNCH
1:15 De Minimus Approach (Debra Sturdevant/Michael Campbell)
Objective: Describe approach, identify and evaluate options for defining “de minimus” for carcinogens and non-carcinogens, identify pros and cons, and determine if this tool should be pursued by DEQ
2:00 Offsets (Andrea Matzke/Ryan Sudbury)
Objective: Describe approach, identify pros and cons, and determine if this tool should be pursued by DEQ
2:30 Next Steps
▪ Rulemaking Timeline: Additional Meetings Needed—if so, what and when?
▪ Fiscal and Economic Impact Feedback from RWG and non-NPDES workgroups
Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group