Rulemaking Workgroup: Non-NPDES Source Issues #2
February 4, 2010, 10:00 – 4:00
Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room
Portland, OR
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188
Code: 503-326-5873
10:00 Welcome and Introductions (Donna Silverberg)
10:15 Review Charge and Scope of Workgroup and Rulemaking Timeline (DEQ)
11:00 DEQ Overview of Potential non-NPDES Policy and Rule Concepts (DEQ)
DEQ staff will provide an overview of policy and rule concepts that could be included within the current rulemaking package timeline for human health criteria. Additional materials will be provided at the meeting. The following bullets provide a short description of potential policy concepts:
• EQC adoption of more prescriptive TMDLs
• EQC adoption of a rule directing DEQ to reduce impacts of toxic pollutants associated with turbidity, sediment, and sedimentation
• EQC adoption of a rule directing DEQ to examine development of a state program to address indirect discharges of toxic pollutants to municipal collection systems
• EQC adoption of a rule directing DEQ to undertake a programmatic review of water quality programs for their adequacy in meeting antidegradation policies
• EQC adoption of a rule directing DEQ to develop and implement an agency-wide toxics reduction strategy
• EQC adoption of rule requirements directing DEQ to evaluate toxic release inventory (TRI) data in the development of permits across programs
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Workgroup Input on Policy and Rule Concepts (All)
This is an opportunity for workgroup members to respond to DEQ’s proposed policy actions posed during the morning session
3:30 Wrap Up/Next Steps
4:00 Adjourn
Note: We’ll take breaks as needed by workgroup members