Rulemaking Workgroup Session #5

June 4, 2009 10:00 – 3:00

Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership

811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410

Portland, Oregon

Call-in Line: 1-503-945-7174




10:00  Gather and get settled


10:10  Welcome and overview of agenda – Donna Silverberg


 Comments on Notes from last meeting


10:30  Iron – Debra Sturdevant

▪  Issue and objective for iron criteria: DEQ presentation of key background information, options and DEQ proposal

▪  Group discussion

Meeting objective: Resolution on numeric criteria for each

Handouts: Fe background and options paper, DEQ proposal


11:30  Arsenic Criteria Revision – Debra Sturdevant & Jennifer Wigal

▪  Where we left off; objective for arsenic criteria

▪  Updates

▪  DEQ proposal

▪  Group discussion

Meeting objective: Resolution on numeric criteria proposal; direction for provision on anthropogenic sources

Handouts: Arsenic information update and DEQ proposal


Noon  Lunch Break


1 pm  Arsenic continued


1:30   NPDES Implementation—Background Pollutants

▪  Range of views on background pollutants questions sent by DEQ

▪  Discussion – how widespread is this problem? What pollutants?

▪  Next steps: where to go from here?

Meeting objective: Decide on next steps for resolution of this topic

Handouts: Compilation of responses to background pollutants questions


2:30  Topics yet to be discussed and how they related to the above topics

▪  Revisit future workgroup topics, matrix

▪  Schedule meetings for summer

◦  Please bring your calendars!

3:00  Adjourn


Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group.