Rulemaking Workgroup Session #4

April 22, 2009 8:30 –12:30

EPA Oregon Operations Office

505 SW Broadway, Suite 500 – 5th Floor

Portland, OR

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188, then dial code 5033265873#




8:30  Gather and get settled


8:40  Welcome and overview of agenda Donna Silverberg, Jennifer Wigal

▪  Today’s agenda

▪  Friday’s Toxics Reduction Strategy Stakeholder Group agenda


8:50  Arsenic Criteria Revision Debra Sturdevant

▪  Overview/refresher of the issue

◦  Objectives of the arsenic criteria revision

▪  Optional approaches and resultant criteria since last meeting

▪  DEQ preferred option

▪  Group discussion

Handouts: Arsenic background paper and draft options paper


10:00  Break


10:15 NPDES Implementation—Background Pollutants

▪  Background pollutants: problem statement and desired outcomes

▪  Idea from Subgroup: Environmentally insignificant increase

◦  Group discussion—reaction to approach presented?

▪  DEQ Follow-up on intake credits and background pollutant provisions

Handouts: Background pollutants discussion paper; Michael Campbell’s 3/29/09 memo


11:45  Discuss Friday’s Toxic Reduction Strategy meeting and Potential Roles


12:15  Revisit future workgroup topics, matrix and schedule; next steps; other wrap up,  other implementation


12:30  Adjourn