Rulemaking Workgroup Session #7
August 6, 2009 9:00 – 3:00
Location: **US EPA - Region 10 (503 326-3250—front desk)
805 S.W. Broadway, Suite 500 Portland, OR
Call-in Line: 866-299-3188 code: 503 326 5873#
Draft Agenda
9:00 Gather and get settled
9:05 Welcome and overview of agenda – Donna Silverberg
▪ Updates/Announcements
▪ Comments on Notes from last meeting
9:15 DEQ’s interim permitting approach for arsenic (prior to criteria revision) – Annette Liebe
10:00 Arsenic – Anthropogenic sources criterion – Debra Sturdevant & RWG Subgroup
▪ Options considered by subgroup for rule and implementation
▪ Subgroup or DEQ draft proposal
Meeting objective: RWG discussion and input on draft proposal
Handouts: rule and implementation options & draft proposal
10:45 Variances – Debra Sturdevant
▪ Streamlined individual variance – draft proposed rule revisions
Meeting objective: Input on proposed variance rule revisions
Handouts: Draft proposed revisions to variance rule
11:45 Lunch Break
12:45 NPDES Implementation Issues –Jennifer Wigal
▪ Review revised implementation approaches outline
▪ Discussion questions:
◦ Which tools should DEQ use?
◦ What policy statements or rules are needed?
◦ What can be addressed in guidance rather than rule?
▪ Are there issues that should be referred to the toxics reduction strategy?
Meeting objective: Input on DEQ draft documents and suggestions
Handouts: Revised implementation approaches outline
2:00 Multiple discharger or water body variance
▪ Is there need to pursue a multiple discharger or water body variance at this time?
▪ If so, for what facility/pollutant combination?
▪ Mercury/methylmercury implementation
2:30 Next steps; Wrap up
3:00 Adjourn
Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group.