Rulemaking Workgroup Session #1

December 17, 2008 1:00 – 5:00

EPA Oregon Operations Office

805 S.W. Broadway, Suite 500 (Fox Tower)

Portland OR 97205




1:00  Gather and get settled


1:15  Welcome and IntroductionsDonna Silverberg, facilitator; Jennifer Wigal, DEQ


1:30  Workgroup Membership and Purpose (“Charge”) – Jennifer Wigal, DEQ

Goals: Share DEQ’s vision for the rulemaking workgroup and gain a good common understanding of the purpose (“charge”) of the workgroup.

Handouts: Group membership and group charge handed out at broad stakeholder meeting


•  DEQ’s Vision – discussion amongst stakeholders

•  Charge – assist in further clarifying the scope of the rulemaking related to toxics standards, advise DEQ on development of proposed rules

•  Overall Timeline/Future Meetings


1:45  Workgroup Administration – Donna Silverberg


•  Discussion of ground rules

•  Operations:

▪  DEQ will notify members of meetings, send agendas and meeting materials 4-7 working days prior to the meeting, write meeting summaries

▪  Professional facilitator will facilitate meetings


2:00  Discussion – Scope of the Rulemaking – Greg Geist, group input

Goals: Further clarify DEQ’s current thinking on the scope of the rulemaking and potential “linkages” with the Agency’s development of a toxics reduction strategy; receive feedback from workgroup members on the scope of the rulemaking; and, discuss/identify a process for addressing issues that are beyond the scope of the rulemaking project.

Handouts: Rulemaking, SB 737 and Toxics Reduction Strategy scope and outcomes table, meeting topics and schedule table


•  Answer clarifying questions as needed on DEQ’s current thinking on scope of the WQS rulemaking and potential “linkages” with the Agency’s development of a toxics reduction strategy

•  Introduce scope/outcomes chart and topics/schedule for future meetings

•  Thoughts from participants about what DEQ is proposing

o  What’s on the table and what the group thinks needs to be on the table

•  Discuss/identify a process for addressing issues beyond the scope of the rulemaking – if issues are raised that are outside the scope of the immediate rulemaking project, what is the proper venue and path forward?


2:45  BREAK


3:00  Overview of water quality standards and approach for arsenic review Debra Sturdevant

Goal: Introduce water quality standards requirements under Clean Water Act and possible approach for reviewing Oregon’s arsenic criterion. Input from workgroup on approach for arsenic.

Handout: PowerPoint slides of presentation


3:30  Overview of permitting provisions Greg Geist and Mike Wiltsey

Goal: Presentation on DEQ’s NPDES permitting provisions, how water quality standards are applied in permits, and permitting provisions currently in our standards or permitting rules and those common in other states

Handout: PowerPoint slides of presentation

•  Conceptual overview of NPDES implementation tools, what issues they address and desired outcomes

4:15  Revisit future meeting topics and schedule; next steps; other wrap up


5:00  Adjourn