Broad Stakeholder Meeting #1
December 17, 2008 - 9:45 – noon
EPA Oregon Operations Office
805 S.W. Broadway, Suite 500 (Fox Tower)
Portland OR 97205
9:45 Gather and get settled
10:00 Welcome and Introductions – Donna Silverberg, facilitator; Neil Mullane, DEQ
• Opening remarks – Neil Mullane, Rick George, Jannine Jennings
10:10 Background and history of project - Jennifer Wigal
• 3 government collaboration, focus on fish consumption rate, public process to date
10:20 Overview of EQC directives, project scope and timeline
Goal: Share information about DEQ’s current thinking regarding an overall approach to the water quality standards rulemaking and the toxics reduction strategy and receive feedback from meeting participants.
Handouts: List of EQC directives, scope and outcomes table, proposed project schedule, toxics reduction programs “universe”
• Overview – Jennifer Wigal (10 min)
• Rulemaking components (15 min)
• Human health criteria – Debra Sturdevant
• Implementation – Greg Geist
▪ Implications and goals
• State-wide Toxics Reduction Strategy – Kevin Masterson (15 min)
• Feedback – Meeting Participants (20 min)
• Has anything critical been overlooked? Please be as specific as possible.
11:20 Roles of the Small Working Group and Broad Stakeholder Group – Jennifer Wigal
Goal: Gain a common understanding of the “charge” of the broad stakeholder group and its relationship to the small rulemaking work group and the development of DEQ’s toxics reduction strategy
Handouts: Group memberships, charge of each group, anticipated meeting schedule and topics of discussion spreadsheet
11:40 Discussion: Time for participants to ask questions, give input and clarify whether and how they might want to be engaged in the overall effort
12:00 Adjourn