Rulemaking Workgroup Session #6

July 13, 2009 10:30 – 5:00

Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership

811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410, Portland, Oregon

Call-in Line: Call-in #: 866-299-3188

Conference Code: 503-326-5873



10:30  Gather and get settled


10:40  Welcome and overview of agenda Donna Silverberg

▪  Updates/Announcements

▪  Comments on Notes from last meeting


11:00  Project tasks and timeline Neil Mullane & Jennifer Wigal

▪  Task(s) regarding multi-media sources

▪  Timeline review and update

 Handout: Milestones table


11:30  Manganese Debra Sturdevant

▪  Issue and objective for manganese criteria: DEQ presentation of key background information, options and DEQ proposal

▪  Group discussion

Meeting objective: Resolution on numeric criteria

Handouts: Mn background and options paper, DEQ proposal


Noon  Lunch Break


1:00  Arsenic – Anthropogenic Sources Criterion – Debra Sturdevant & RWG Subgroup

▪  Objective for this provision

▪  Ideas being considered

▪  Group discussion

Meeting objective: Subgroup status report and discussion

Handouts: briefing summary


2:00  NPDES Implementation Issues –Group Discussion

▪  Overview of implementation issues:

o  Principles (developed by group); Problem statements (identified by DEQ with input from group); and Desired Outcomes (developed by group)

▪  Identification of additional implementation tools/strategies

▪  Discussion

▪  Decide which tools to pursue/develop

Meeting objective: Identify principles, problems statements & desired outcomes by which to assess implementation options. Based on this, decide which tools to develop or pursue.


2:30  Break


2:45  Continue Implementation Discussion


3:15  Variances

▪  EPA experience and perspectives on variances: individual, multi-discharger, water body – Melinda McCoy

▪  Streamlined individual variance – possible rule revisions – Debra Sturdevant

Meeting objective: Introduce topic, discussion, input on handouts

Handouts: Intro to variances; Current DEQ thinking on variance rule revisions; Questions for discussion


4:30  Next Steps; Wrap Up


5:00  Adjourn



Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group.