
Statewide Narrative Criteria

(1) Notwithstanding the water quality standards contained in this Division, the highest and best practicable treatment and/or control of wastes, activities, and flows must in every case be provided so as to maintain dissolved oxygen and overall water quality at the highest possible levels and water temperatures, coliform bacteria concentrations, dissolved chemical substances, toxic materials, radioactivity, turbidities, color, odor, and other deleterious factors at the lowest possible levels.

(2) Where a less stringent natural condition of a water of the State exceeds the numeric criteria set out in this Division, the natural condition supersedes the numeric criteria and becomes the standard for that water body. However, there are special restrictions, described in OAR 340-041-0004(9)(a)(D)(iii), that may apply to discharges that affect dissolved oxygen.

(3) For any new waste sources, alternatives that utilize reuse or disposal with no discharge to public waters must be given highest priority for use wherever practicable. New source discharges may be approved subject to the criteria in OAR 340-041-0004(9).

(4) No discharges of wastes to lakes or reservoirs may be allowed except as provided in section OAR 340-041-0004(9).

(5) Logging and forest management activities must be conducted in accordance with the Oregon Forest Practices Act to minimize adverse effects on water quality.

(6) Log handling in public waters must conform to current Commission policies and guidelines.

(7) Sand and gravel removal operations must be conducted pursuant to a permit from the Division of State Lands and separated from the active flowing stream by a watertight berm wherever physically practicable. Recirculation and reuse of process water must be required wherever practicable. Discharges or seepage or leakage losses to public waters may not cause a violation of water quality standards or adversely affect legitimate beneficial uses.

(8) Road building and maintenance activities must be conducted in a manner so as to keep waste materials out of public waters and minimize erosion of cut banks, fills, and road surfaces.

(9) In order to improve controls over nonpoint sources of pollution, federal, State, and local resource management agencies will be encouraged and assisted to coordinate planning and implementation of programs to regulate or control runoff, erosion, turbidity, stream temperature, stream flow, and the withdrawal and use of irrigation water on a basin-wide approach so as to protect the quality and beneficial uses of water and related resources. Such programs may include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Development of projects for storage and release of suitable quality waters to augment low stream flow;

(b) Urban runoff control to reduce erosion;

(c) Possible modification of irrigation practices to reduce or minimize adverse impacts from irrigation return flows;

(d) Stream bank erosion reduction projects; and

(e) Federal water quality restoration plans.

(10) The development of fungi or other growths having a deleterious effect on stream bottoms, fish or other aquatic life, or that are injurious to health, recreation, or industry may not be allowed;

(11) The creation of tastes or odors or toxic or other conditions that are deleterious to fish or other aquatic life or affect the potability of drinking water or the palatability of fish or shellfish may not be allowed;

(12) The formation of appreciable bottom or sludge deposits or the formation of any organic or inorganic deposits deleterious to fish or other aquatic life or injurious to public health, recreation, or industry may not be allowed;

(13) Objectionable discoloration, scum, oily sheens, or floating solids, or coating of aquatic life with oil films may not be allowed;

(14) Aesthetic conditions offensive to the human senses of sight, taste, smell, or touch may not be allowed;

(15) Radioisotope concentrations may not exceed maximum permissible concentrations (MPC's) in drinking water, edible fishes or shellfishes, wildlife, irrigated crops, livestock and dairy products, or pose an external radiation hazard;

(16) Minimum Design Criteria for Treatment and Control of Wastes. Except as provided in OAR 340-041-0101 through 340-041-0350, and subject to the implementation requirements set forth in OAR 340-041-0061, prior to discharge of any wastes from any new or modified facility to any waters of the State, such wastes must be treated and controlled in facilities designed in accordance with the following minimum criteria.

(a) In designing treatment facilities, average conditions and a normal range of variability are generally used in establishing design criteria. A facility once completed and placed in operation should operate at or near the design limit most of the time but may operate below the design criteria limit at times due to variables which are unpredictable or uncontrollable. This is particularly true for biological treatment facilities. The actual operating limits are intended to be established by permit pursuant to ORS 468.740 and recognize that the actual performance level may at times be less than the design criteria.

(A) Sewage wastes:

(i) Effluent BOD concentrations in mg/l, divided by the dilution factor (ratio of receiving stream flow to effluent flow) may not exceed one unless otherwise approved by the Commission;

(ii) Sewage wastes must be disinfected, after treatment, equivalent to thorough mixing with sufficient chlorine to provide a residual of at least 1 part per million after 60 minutes of contact time unless otherwise specifically authorized by permit;

(iii) Positive protection must be provided to prevent bypassing raw or inadequately treated sewage to public waters unless otherwise approved by the Department where elimination of inflow and infiltration would be necessary but not presently practicable; and

(iv) More stringent waste treatment and control requirements may be imposed where special conditions make such action appropriate.

(B) Industrial wastes:

(i) After maximum practicable in-plant control, a minimum of secondary treatment or equivalent control (reduction of suspended solids and organic material where present in significant quantities, effective disinfection where bacterial organisms of public health significance are present, and control of toxic or other deleterious substances);

(ii) Specific industrial waste treatment requirements may be determined on an individual basis in accordance with the provisions of this plan, applicable federal requirements, and the following:

(I) The uses that are or may likely be made of the receiving stream;

(II) The size and nature of flow of the receiving stream;

(III) The quantity and quality of wastes to be treated; and

(IV) The presence or absence of other sources of pollution on the same watershed.

(iii) Where industrial, commercial, or agricultural effluents contain significant quantities of potentially toxic elements, treatment requirements may be determined utilizing appropriate bioassays;

(iv) Industrial cooling waters containing significant heat loads must be subjected to off-stream cooling or heat recovery prior to discharge to public waters;

(v) Positive protection must be provided to prevent bypassing of raw or inadequately treated industrial wastes to any public waters;

(vi) Facilities must be provided to prevent and contain spills of potentially toxic or hazardous materials.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020, 468B.030, 468B.035, 468B.048
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468B.030, 468B.035, 468B.048
Hist.: DEQ 17-2003, f. & cert. ef. 12-9-03; DEQ 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 3-15-07




Toxic Substances

(1) Toxic substances may not be introduced above natural background levels in waters of the state in amounts, concentrations, or combinations that may be harmful, may chemically change to harmful forms in the environment, or may accumulate in sediments or bioaccumulate in aquatic life or wildlife to levels that adversely affect public health, safety, or welfare or aquatic life, wildlife, or other designated beneficial uses.

(2) Levels of toxic substances in waters of the state may not exceed the applicable criteria listed in Tables 20, 33A, and 33B. Tables 33A and 33B, adopted on May 20, 2004, update Table 20 as described in this section.

(a) Each value for criteria in Table 20 is effective until the corresponding value in Tables 33A or 33B becomes effective.

(A) Each value in Table 33A is effective on February 15, 2005, unless EPA has disapproved the value before that date. If a value is subsequently disapproved, any corresponding value in Table 20 becomes effective immediately. Values that are the same in Tables 20 and 33A remain in effect.

(B) Each value in Table 33B is effective upon EPA approval.

(b) The department will note the effective date for each value in Tables 20, 33A, and 33B as described in this section.

(3) To establish permit or other regulatory limits for toxic substances for which criteria are not included in Tables 20, 33A, or 33B, the department may use the guidance values in Table 33C, public health advisories, and other published scientific literature. The department may also require or conduct bio-assessment studies to monitor the toxicity to aquatic life of complex effluents, other suspected discharges, or chemical substances without numeric criteria.

[ED. NOTE: Tables referenced are available from the agency.]

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020, 468B.030, 468B.035 & 468B.048
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468B.030, 468B.035 & 468B.048
Hist.: DEQ 17-2003, f. & cert. ef. 12-9-03; DEQ 3-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-28-04; DEQ 17-2010, f. & cert. ef. 12-21-10







Other Implementation of Water Quality Criteria

(1) A waste treatment and disposal facility may not be constructed or operated and wastes may not be discharged to public waters without a permit from the department in accordance with ORS 468B.050.

(2) Water quality variances. The commission may grant point source variances from the water quality standards in this Division where the following requirements are met.

(a) The water quality variance may apply only to the point source for which the variance is requested and only to the pollutant or pollutants specified in the variance; the underlying water quality standard otherwise remains in effect.

(b) A water quality standard variance may not be granted if:

(A) Standards will be attained by all point source dischargers implementing effluent limitations required under sections 301(b) and 306 of the federal Clean Water Act and by nonpoint sources implementing cost-effective and reasonable best management practices; or

(B) The variance would likely jeopardize the continued existence of any threatened or endangered species listed under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act or result in the destruction or adverse modification of such species' critical habitat.

(c) Before a variance is granted, the applicant must demonstrate that attaining the water quality standard is not feasible for one of the following reasons:

(A) Naturally occurring pollutant concentrations prevent the attainment of the use.

(B) Natural, ephemeral, intermittent, or low flow conditions or water levels prevent the attainment of the use, unless these conditions may be compensated for by the discharge of sufficient volume of effluent discharges to enable uses to be met without violating state water conservation requirements.

(C) Human-caused conditions or sources of pollution prevent the attainment of the use and cannot be remedied or would cause more environmental damage to correct than to leave in place.

(D) Dams, diversions, or other types of hydrologic modifications preclude the attainment of the use, and it is not feasible to restore the water body to its original condition or to operate such modification in a way which would result in the attainment of the use.

(E) Physical conditions related to the natural features of the water body, such as the lack of a proper substrate, cover, flow, depth, pools, riffles, and unrelated to water quality preclude attainment of aquatic life protection uses.

(F) Controls more stringent than those required by sections 301(b) and 306 of the federal Clean Water Act would result in substantial and widespread economic and social impact.

(d) Procedures. An applicant for a water quality standards variance must submit a request for a variance to the department. The application must include all relevant information showing that the requirements for a variance have been satisfied. The burden is on the applicant to demonstrate that the designated use is unattainable for one of the reasons specified in subsection (c) of this section. If the department preliminarily determines that grounds exist for granting a variance, it must provide public notice of the proposed variance and an opportunity for public comment.

(A) The department may condition the variance on the performance of additional studies, monitoring, management practices, and other controls deemed necessary. These terms and conditions will be incorporated into the applicant's NPDES permit or department order.

(B) A variance may not exceed three years or the term of the NPDES permit, whichever is less. A variance may be renewed if the applicant reapplies and demonstrates that the use in question is still not attainable. Renewal of the variance may be denied if the applicant does not comply with the conditions of the original variance or otherwise does not meet the requirements of this section.

(C) DEQ approval of a variance for a point source is not effective under the federal Clean Water Act until submitted to and approved by EPA.

(3) Plans for all sewage and industrial waste treatment, control, and disposal facilities must be submitted to the department for review and approval prior to construction as required by ORS 468B.055.

(4) Minimum design criteria for waste treatment and control facilities prescribed under this plan and other waste treatment and controls deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the water quality standards contained in this plan must be provided in accordance with specific permit conditions for those sources or activities for which permits are required and the following implementation program.

(a) For new or expanded waste loads or activities, fully approved treatment or control facilities, or both, must be provided prior to discharge of any wastes from the new or expanded facilities or conduct of the new or expanded activity.

(b) For existing waste loads or activities, additional treatment or control facilities necessary to correct specific unacceptable water quality conditions must be provided in accordance with a specific program and timetable incorporated into the waste discharge permit for the individual discharger or activity. In developing treatment requirements and implementation schedules for existing installations or activities, consideration will be given to the impact upon the overall environmental quality, including air, water, land use, and aesthetics.

(c) Wherever minimum design criteria for waste treatment and control facilities set forth in this plan are more stringent than applicable federal standards and treatment levels currently being provided, upgrading to the more stringent requirements will be deferred until it is necessary to expand or otherwise modify or replace the existing treatment facilities. Such deferral will be acknowledged in the permit for the source.

(d) Where planning, design, or construction of new or modified waste treatment and controls to meet prior applicable state or federal requirements is underway at the time this plan is adopted, such plans, design, or construction may be completed under the requirements in effect when the project was initiated. Upgrading to meet more stringent future requirements will be timed in accordance with section (3) of this rule.

(5) Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are regulated under OAR 340-051-0005 through 340-051-0080 to minimize potential adverse effect on water quality (see also OAR 603-074-0005 through 603-074-0070).

(6) Programs for control of pollution from nonpoint sources when developed by the department or by other agencies pursuant to section 208 of the federal Clean Water Act and approved by the department will be incorporated into this plan by amendment via the same process used to adopt the plan unless other procedures are established by law.

(7) Where minimum requirements of federal law or enforceable regulations are more stringent than specific provisions of this plan, the federal requirements will prevail.

(8) Within the framework of statewide priorities and available resources, the department will monitor water quality within the basin for the purposes of evaluating conformance with the plan and developing information for additions or updates.

(9) The commission recognizes that the potential exists for conflicts between water quality management plans and the land use plans and resource management plans that local governments and other agencies are required to develop. If conflicts develop, the department will meet with the local governments or responsible agencies to resolve the conflicts. Revisions will be presented for adoption via the same process used to adopt the plan unless other specific procedures are established by law.

(10) The department will calculate and include effluent limits specified in pounds per day, which will be the mass load limits for biochemical oxygen demand or carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits issued to all sewage treatment facilities. These limits must be calculated as follows.

(a) Except as noted in paragraph (H) of this subsection, the following requirements apply to existing facilities and to facilities receiving departmental approval for engineering plans and specifications for new treatment facilities or treatment facilities expanding the average dry weather treatment capacity before June 30, 1992:

(A) During periods of low stream flows (approximately May 1 through October 31), the monthly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the applicable monthly concentration effluent limit times the design average dry weather flow expressed in million gallons per day times 8.34. The weekly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 1.5. The daily mass load expressed in pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 2.0.

(B) During the period of high stream flows (approximately November 1 through April 30), the monthly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the monthly concentration effluent limit times the design average wet weather flow expressed in million gallons per day times 8.34. The weekly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 1.5. The daily mass load expressed in pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 2.0.

(C) On any day that the daily flow to a sewage treatment facility exceeds the lesser hydraulic capacity of the secondary treatment portion of the facility or twice the design average dry weather flow, the daily mass load limit does not apply. The permittee must operate the treatment facility at highest and best practicable treatment and control.

(D) The design average wet weather flow used in calculating mass loads must be approved by the department in accordance with prudent engineering practice and must be based on a facility plan approved by the department, engineering plans and specifications approved by the department, or an engineering evaluation. The permittee must submit documentation describing and supporting the design average wet weather flow with the permit application, application for permit renewal, or modification request or upon request by the department. The design average wet weather flow is defined as the average flow between November 1 and April 30 when the sewage treatment facility is projected to be at design capacity for that portion of the year.

(E) Mass loads assigned as described in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this subsection will not be subject to OAR 340-041-0004(7);

(F) Mass loads as described in this rule will be included in permits upon renewal or upon a request for permit modification.

(G) Within 180 days after permit renewal or modification, a permittee receiving higher mass loads under this rule and having a separate sanitary sewer system must submit to the department for review and approval a proposed program and time schedule for identifying and reducing inflow. The program must include the following:

(i) Identification of all overflow points and verification that sewer system overflows are not occurring up to a 24-hour, five-year storm event or equivalent;

(ii) Monitoring of all pump station overflow points;

(iii) A program for identifying and removing all inflow sources into the permit holder's sewer system over which the permit holder has legal control; and

(iv) For those permit holders not having the necessary legal authority for all portions of the sewer system discharging into the permit holder's sewer system or treatment facility, a program and schedule for gaining legal authority to require inflow reduction and a program and schedule for removing inflow sources.

(H) Within one year after the department's approval of the program, the permit holder must begin implementation of the program.

(I) Paragraphs (A) through (G) of this subsection do not apply to the cities of Athena, Elgin, Adair Village, Halsey, Harrisburg, Independence, Carlton, and Sweet Home. Mass load limits have been individually assigned to these facilities.

(b) For new sewage treatment facilities or treatment facilities expanding the average dry weather treatment capacity and receiving engineering plans and specifications approval from the department after June 30, 1992, the mass load limits must be calculated by the department based on the proposed treatment facility capabilities and the highest and best practicable treatment to minimize the discharge of pollutants.

(c) Mass load limits as defined in this rule may be replaced by more stringent limits if required by waste load allocations established in accordance with a TMDL for treatment facilities discharging to water quality limited streams or if required to prevent or eliminate violations of water quality standards.

(d) If the design average wet weather flow or the hydraulic secondary treatment capacity is not known or has not been approved by the department at the time of permit issuance, the permit must include as interim mass load limits the mass load limits in the previous permit issued to the permit holder for the treatment facility. The permit must also include a requirement that the permit holder submit to the department the design average wet weather flow and hydraulic secondary treatment capacity within 12 months after permit issuance. Upon review and approval of the design flow information, the department will modify the permit and include mass load limits as described in subsection (a) of this section.

(e) Each permit holder with existing sewage treatment facilities otherwise subject to subsection (a) of this section may choose mass load limits calculated as follows:

(A) The monthly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the applicable monthly concentration effluent limit times the design average dry weather flow expressed in million gallons per day times 8.34 pounds per gallon.

(B) The weekly average mass load expressed as pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 1.5.

(C) The daily mass load expressed in pounds per day may not exceed the monthly average mass load times 2.0. If existing mass load limits are retained by the permit holder, the terms and requirements of subsection (a) of this section do not apply.

(f) The commission may grant exceptions to subsection (a) of this section. In allowing increased discharged loads, the commission must make the findings specified in OAR 340-041-0004(9)(a) for waste loads and the following findings:

(A) Mass loads calculated in subsection (a) of this section cannot be achieved with the existing treatment facilities operated at maximum efficiency at projected design flows; and

(B) There are no practicable alternatives to achieving the mass loads as calculated in subsection (a) of this section.

(11) Forestry on state and private lands. For forest operations on state or private lands, water quality standards are intended to be attained and are implemented through best management practices and other control mechanisms established under the Forest Practices Act (ORS 527.610 to 527.992) and rules thereunder, administered by the Oregon Department of Forestry. Therefore, forest operations that are in compliance with the Forest Practices Act requirements are (except for the limits set out in ORS 527.770) deemed in compliance with this division. DEQ will work with the Oregon Department of Forestry to revise the Forest Practices program to attain water quality standards.

(12) Agricultural water quality management plans to reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution are developed and implemented by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) through a cooperative agreement with the department to implement applicable provisions of ORS 568.900 to 568.933 and 561.191. If the department has reason to believe that agricultural discharges or activities are contributing to water quality problems resulting in water quality standards violations, the department may consult with the ODA. If water quality impacts are likely from agricultural sources and the department determines that a water quality management plan is necessary, the director may write a letter to the director of the ODA requesting that such a management plan be prepared and implemented to reduce pollutant loads and achieve the water quality criteria.

(13) Agriculture and forestry on federal lands. Agriculture and forestry activities conducted on federal land must meet the requirements of this division and are subject to the department's jurisdiction. Pursuant to Memoranda of Agreement with the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, water quality standards are expected to be met through the development and implementation of water quality restoration plans, best management practices, and aquatic conservation strategies. Where the department designates a federal agency as a designated management agency, implementation of these plans, practices, and strategies is deemed compliance with this division.

(14) Testing methods. The analytical testing methods for determining compliance with the water quality standards in this rule must comply with 40 CFR Part 136 or, if Part 136 does not prescribe a method, with the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water published jointly by the American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Pollution Control Federation; if the department has published an applicable superseding method, testing must comply with the superseding method. Testing in accordance with an alternative method must comply with this rule if the department has published the method or has approved the method in writing.

(15) Reservoirs or managed lakes are deemed in compliance with water quality criteria for temperature, pH, or dissolved oxygen (DO) if all of the following circumstances exist.

(a) The water body has thermally stratified naturally or due to the presence of an impoundment.

(b) The water body has three observable layers, defined as the epilimnion, metalimnion, and hypolimnion.

(c) A layer exists in the reservoir or managed lake in which temperature, pH, and DO criteria are all met, and the layer is sufficient to support beneficial uses.

(d) All practicable measures have been taken by the entities responsible for management of the reservoir or managed lake to maximize the layers meeting the temperature, pH, and DO criteria.

(e) One of the following conditions is met:

(A) The streams or river segments immediately downstream of the water body meet applicable criteria for temperature, pH, and DO.

(B) All practicable measures have been taken to maximize downstream water quality potential and fish passage.

(C) If the applicable criteria are not met in the stream or river segment immediately upstream of the water body, then no further measurable downstream degradation of water quality has taken place due to stratification of the reservoir or managed lake.

(16) Compliance schedules. In a permit issued under OAR 340, division 045 or in a water quality certification under OAR 340, division 48, the department may include compliance schedules for the implementation of effluent limits derived from water quality criteria in this division. A compliance schedule in an NPDES permit is allowed only for water quality based effluent limits that are newly applicable to the permit and must comply with provisions in 40 CFR ¦122.47 (including the requirement that water quality criteria must be achieved as soon as possible).

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020, 468B.030, 468B.035 & 468B.048
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468B.030, 468B.035 & 468B.048
Hist.: DEQ 17-2003, f. & cert. ef. 12-9-03; DEQ 3-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-28-04



















Establishing Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

(1) The Department will establish TMDLs for pollutants in waters of the state that are listed in accordance with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Section 303(d) (33 USC Section 1313(d)).

(2) The Department will group stream segments and other waterbodies geographically by subbasin and develop TMDLs for those subbasins, unless it determines another approach is warranted.

(3) The Department will prioritize and schedule TMDLs for completion considering the following factors:

(a) Severity of the pollution,

(b) Uses of the water,

(c) Availability of resources to develop TMDLs,

(d) Specific judicial requirements, and

(e) Any other relevant information.

(4) A TMDL will include the following elements:

(a) Name and location. This element describes the geographic area for which the TMDL is developed and includes maps as appropriate.

(b) Pollutant identification. This element identifies the pollutants causing impairment of water quality that are addressed in the TMDL.

(c) Water quality standards and beneficial uses. This element identifies the beneficial uses in the basin and the relevant water quality standards, including specific basin standards established in OAR 340-041-0202 through 340-041-0975. The beneficial use that is most sensitive to impairment by the pollutant or pollutants addressed in the TMDL will be specified.

(d) Loading capacity. This element specifies the amount of a pollutant or pollutants that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. The TMDL will be set at a level to ensure that loading capacity is not exceeded. Flow assumptions used in the TMDL will be specified.

(e) Excess load. This element evaluates, to the extent existing data allow, the difference between the actual pollutant load in a waterbody and the loading capacity of that waterbody.

(f) Sources or source categories. This element identifies the pollutant sources and estimates, to the extent existing data allow, the amount of actual pollutant loading from these sources. The TMDL will establish wasteload allocations and load allocations for these sources. The Department will use available information and analyses to identify and document sources.

(g) Wasteload allocations. This element determines the portions of the receiving water's loading capacity that are allocated to existing point sources of pollution, including all point source discharges regulated under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Section 402 (33 USC Section 1342).

(h) Load allocations. This element determines the portions of the receiving water's loading capacity that are allocated to existing nonpoint sources of pollution or to background sources. Load allocations are best estimates of loading, and may range from reasonably accurate estimates to gross allotments depending on the availability of data and appropriate techniques for predicting loading. Whenever reasonably feasible, natural background and anthropogenic nonpoint source loads will be distinguished from each other.

(i) Margin of safety. This element accounts for uncertainty related to the TMDL and, where feasible, quantifies uncertainties associated with estimating pollutant loads, modeling water quality and monitoring water quality. The TMDL will explain how the margin of safety was derived and incorporated into the TMDL.

(j) Seasonal variation. This element accounts for seasonal variation and critical conditions in stream flow, sensitive beneficial uses, pollutant loading and water quality parameters so that water quality standards will be attained and maintained during all seasons of the year.

(k) Reserve capacity. This element is an allocation for increases in pollutant loads from future growth and new or expanded sources. The TMDL may allocate no reserve capacity and explain that decision.

(l) Water quality management plan (WQMP). This element provides the framework of management strategies to attain and maintain water quality standards. The framework is designed to work in conjunction with detailed plans and analyses provided in sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans. The WQMP will address the following:

(A) Condition assessment and problem description.

(B) Goals and objectives.

(C) Proposed management strategies designed to meet the wasteload allocations and load allocations in the TMDL. This will include a categorization of sources and a description of the management strategies proposed for each source category.

(D) Timeline for implementing management strategies including:

(i) Schedule for revising permits,

(ii) Schedule for achieving appropriate incremental and measurable water quality targets,

(iii) Schedule for implementing control actions, and

(iv) Schedule for completing other measurable milestones.

(E) Explanation of how implementing the management strategies will result in attainment of water quality standards.

(F) Timeline for attainment of water quality standards.

(G) Identification of persons, including Designated Management Agencies (DMAs), responsible for implementing the management strategies and developing and revising sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans.

(H) Identification of sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans that are available at the time the TMDL is issued.

(I) Schedule for preparation and submission of sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans by responsible persons, including DMAs, and processes that trigger revisions to these implementation plans.

(J) Description of reasonable assurance that management strategies and sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans will be carried out through regulatory or voluntary actions.

(K) Plan to monitor and evaluate progress toward achieving TMDL allocations and water quality standards including:

(i) Identification of persons responsible for monitoring, and

(ii) Plan and schedule for reviewing monitoring information and revising the TMDL.

(L) Plan for public involvement in implementing management strategies.

(M) Description of planned efforts to maintain management strategies over time.

(N) General discussion of costs and funding for implementing management strategies. Sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans may provide more detailed analyses of costs and funding for specific management strategies.

(O) Citation of legal authorities relating to implementation of management strategies.

(5) To determine allocations for sources identified in the TMDL, the Department:

(a) Will use water quality data analyses, which may include statistical analyses or mathematical models.

(b) May use surrogate measures to estimate allocations for pollutants addressed in the TMDL. The Department may use one or more surrogate measures for a pollutant that is difficult to measure or highly variable. A surrogate measure will be closely related to the pollutant, and may be easier to monitor and track. The TMDL will establish the correlation between the surrogate measure and pollutant.

(6) The Department will distribute wasteload and load allocations among identified sources and in doing so, may consider the following factors:

(a) Contributions from sources;

(b) Costs of implementing measures;

(c) Ease of implementation;

(d) Timelines for attainment of water quality standards;

(e) Environmental impacts of allocations;

(f) Unintended consequences;

(g) Reasonable assurances of implementation; and

(h) Any other relevant factor.

(7) After issuing the TMDL, the Department may revise the loading capacity and allocations to accommodate changed needs or new information. In making these revisions, the Department will comply with the public notice provisions in OAR 340-042-0050(2) and procedures for issuing TMDL orders in OAR 340-042-0060.

(8) If the Environmental Protection Agency establishes a TMDL addressing waterbodies in Oregon, the Department may prepare a WQMP to implement that TMDL

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020, ORS 468B.020, ORS 468B.030, ORS 468B.035 & ORS 468B.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468B.020, ORS 468B.110
Hist.: DEQ 18-2002, f. & cert. ef. 12-20-02










Implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load

(1) Management strategies identified in a WQMP to achieve wasteload and load allocations in a TMDL will be implemented through water quality permits for those sources subject to permit requirements in ORS 468B.050 and through sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans for other sources. WQMPs will identify the sector and source-specific implementation plans required and the persons, including DMAs, responsible for developing and revising those plans.

(2) The Oregon Department of Forestry will develop and enforce implementation plans addressing state and private forestry sources as authorized by ORS 527.610 through 527.992 and according to OAR chapter 629, divisions 600 through 665. The Oregon Department of Agriculture will develop implementation plans for agricultural activities and soil erosion and enforce associated rules as authorized by ORS 568.900 through 568.933 and according to OAR chapter 603, divisions 90 and 95.

(3) Persons, including DMAs other than the Oregon Department of Forestry or the Oregon Department of Agriculture, identified in a WQMP as responsible for developing and revising sector-specific or source-specific implementation plans must:

(a) Prepare an implementation plan and submit the plan to the Department for review and approval according to the schedule specified in the WQMP. The implementation plan must:

(A) Identify the management strategies the DMA or other responsible person will use to achieve load allocations and reduce pollutant loading;

(B) Provide a timeline for implementing management strategies and a schedule for completing measurable milestones;

(C) Provide for performance monitoring with a plan for periodic review and revision of the implementation plan;

(D) To the extent required by ORS 197.180 and OAR chapter 340, division 18, provide evidence of compliance with applicable statewide land use requirements; and

(E) Provide any other analyses or information specified in the WQMP.

(b) Implement and revise the plan as needed.

(4) For sources subject to permit requirements in ORS 468B.050, wasteload allocations and other management strategies will be incorporated into permit requirements.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 468.020, ORS 468B.020, ORS 468B.030, ORS 468B.035 & ORS 468B.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468B.020, ORS 468B.110
Hist.: DEQ 18-2002, f. & cert. ef. 12-20-02