Rule Implementation Plan Checklist

EMT 5/01

 Date  Date  

 Planned    Completed  N.A.



Nov 2010

_________ _____

Develop rule and implementation plan. Include forms and templates.


Staff assigned: __Debra Sturdevant and Spencer Bohaboy_______




_________ _X__

Develop new enforcement guidance.


Staff assigned: ___NA_________________




_________ _X__

Division 12 rules changes.


Staff assigned: ____NA________________



Aug. 30, 10

_________ _____

An FTE analysis must be completed in conjunction with:


Date: Date: Date:

PMT __July 27__ Lab August 30 IT ___NA___

MSD __NA_______ Enf __NA_______


Staff assigned: _Raeann Haynes___________________




_________ _X_

Additional staff will be hired for assigned work.


How many? ____________________




_________ _X__

Additional support staff hired for assigned work.


How many? ____________________




_________ _X__

If work going to existing staff, date staff workload adjusted to accommodate new work.



July 28, 10

July 27, 10 _____

Date PMT agreed this work can be undertaken without additional resources.




Oct, 2008_ _____

Discussions with EMT during topic review.




_________ _X__

Develop tracking tools or modify existing database to account for this work. Staff assigned: ____________________

Who will be responsible for ongoing work?


Staff assigned: ____________________



March, 2011

_________ _____

Training plan and schedule developed. Training will be conducted for staff and managers by same team that wrote rule and implementation plan. This plan should be detailed enough to show why we are doing this new rule/policy; What steps staff need to go through to implement this new activity (e.g., in conjunction with an existing inspection, a separate inspection is needed, etc.); copies of any templates/forms/enforcement guidance; and, a schedule for providing the training to staff.



Sept, 2011

_________ _____

Date this training packet was placed on the intranet so staff can refer to it as needed.


Staff assigned: Annette Liebe



Dec, 2010

_________ _____

Communication strategy developed.

Staff assigned: _Debra Sturdevant___________

Who to call if questions: _Debra Sturdevant______________