Rulemaking Workgroup Session #11

January 29, 2010, 10:00 – 4:00

Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room

Portland, OR

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188

Code: 503-326-5873


Draft Agenda





9:45  Gather and Settle


10:00  Welcome and Introductions Donna Silverberg

▪  Comments on December draft meeting minutes

▪  Updates/Announcements


10:10  Setting the StageDonna Silverberg/Neil Mullane/Kathleen Feehan


10:45  Variances: Where DEQ has landed—Andrea Matzke

Objective 1: Summarize discussion from variance conference call and respond to follow up questions.

Objective 2: Review selected language in DEQ’s proposed revised variance regulation based on input from RWG, permit writers, and EPA.

Objective 3: Re-affirm EPA’s position on variances.

12:00  LUNCH


1:00  Implementation Tools Debra Sturdevant

Objective: Discuss any other implementation tools or possibilities

(please send materials in advance of the meeting)


3:15  Next Steps/Wrap up

▪  Fiscal and Economic Impact

▪  Human Health Revised Criteria Table


3:45  Closing Remarks—Neil Mullane


4:00  Adjourn



Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group.