Rulemaking Workgroup Session #9

October 19, 2009, 10:00 – 4:00

Location: EPA

Portland, OR

Call-in Line:_________________


Draft Agenda


10:00  Gather and settle


10:10  Welcome and Introductions Donna Silverberg & Jennifer Wigal

▪  Updates/Announcements

▪  Comments on Notes from last meeting


10:20  NPDES Implementation Tools – Jennifer Wigal & Debra Sturdevant

▪  Permitting tools overview: framework, definitions

▪  Status and next steps

▪  Comments & Discussion

Meeting objective: Common understanding of tools/approaches under development, Relay DEQ’s current thinking, Receive workgroup input

Handouts: Revised implementation tools and approaches framework document


11:20  Process/Timeline Update


11:50  Lunch Break


12:50  Variances – Debra Sturdevant

▪  Overview of EPA Economic Analysis Guidance – Spencer Bohaboy

▪  Examples and illustrations of variances: scenarios, process, justification, conditions

o  Industrial/background pollutants

o  Municipal, I&I

o  Groundwater cleanup project

o  Source that can not feasibly meet WQBEL, but proposes to offset

o  Example of multiple discharger variance

▪  Discussion –

o  Examples as case studies

o  How trading or offsets could be incorporated into the variance process

Meeting objective: Increase understanding of how variances would work and how they may be a useful tool. Get input on next steps.

Handouts: Examples and illustration/case study descriptions; EPA Economic guidance overview


3:00  Criteria updates – Debra Sturdevant

Meeting objective: Updated DEQ recommendations: 1) arsenic criterion for water + organism (2.3 µg/l), 2) Acrolein and phenol aquatic life criteria (new EPA recommended criteria).


3:15  Next steps; Wrap up

3:30  Adjourn

Note: We will take breaks as needed by the group.