Rulemaking Work Group: Non-NPDES Source Issues (Meeting #9)

and NPDES Issues (Meeting #18)

October 4, 2010, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm


Location: EPA 5th Floor Conference Room

805 SW Broadway, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97205 (503) 326-3250

Call-in Line: 866-299-3188

Code: 503-326-5873


Meeting Goals:


❖  To finalize discussions related to Division 41 & 42 changes;

❖  To review and comment on DEQ’s fiscal analysis

❖  To clarify next steps of this rule making process related to the issue papers, future internal management directives, background pollutant allowances and EQC meetings; and

❖  To reiterate next steps in the process including key milestones and schedule.



8:15  Gather and Settle


8:30  Welcome, Introductions and Review Goals (Donna Silverberg)

▪  Updates/Announcements (All)


8:45  Division 41 and 42: Changes and Authority (Gene Foster & Neil Mullane, DEQ)

Materials: Updated Division 41 and 42 issue paper


Objectives: Review and assess the level of support for the revisions DEQ has made to the proposed rule since the August 17th meeting


 Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1.  Review revised rule language

2.  Respond to questions from the group

3.  Respond to questions relating to DEQ’s “Authority” memo


9:45  3-Government State of the Process (Neil Mullane, DEQ; Christine Psyk, Associate Director

 Region 10 EPA; Rick George, CTUIR)


Objectives: Hear perspectives from each of the three governments about where the process has been and is going, including milestones, issue papers, internal management directives and next steps in the schedule.




Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1.  DEQ will describe next steps relating to internal management directives, issue papers, milestones, schedule and EQC meetings

2.  Brief statements from each of the three government representatives

3.  Opportunity to provide input on DEQ’s planned approach


10:30  Break


10:45  Fiscal and Economic Impact of Proposed Rulemaking on non-NPDES Sources (DEQ)

Materials: Fiscal and economic impact analysis


Objective 1: Review DEQ’s fiscal analysis and overall approach

Objective 2: Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss fiscal and economic data


 Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1.  Brief overview of DEQ’s fiscal analysis and overall approach

2.  Opportunity to provide input on DEQ’s approach to the non-NPDES fiscal analysis


11:45  Break for Lunch


1:00  Fiscal and Economic Impact of Proposed Rulemaking on NPDES Permittees (DEQ)

Materials: Fiscal and economic impact analysis


Objective 1: Review DEQ’s fiscal analysis and overall approach

Objective 2: Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss fiscal and economic data


Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1. Brief overview of DEQ’s fiscal analysis and overall approach

2. Opportunity to provide input on DEQ’s approach to the NPDES fiscal analysis


2:45  Break


3:00  Background Pollutant Allowance—Update (DEQ & EPA)


Objective: To provide stakeholders an update on discussions with EPA and expectations for moving forward.


Outline for Today’s Discussion:

1. Update of DEQ’s discussions with EPA and CTUIR

2. EPA’s review

3. Questions and answers (as possible)


3:20  Wrap Up/Next Steps

▪  Review of Decisions

▪  Review of Action Items


3:30  Adjourn

* Thank you for your commitment to these issues and this process *