From: John Darling
Sent: Wed Sep 01 12:40:16 2010
To: waterqualitystandards
Subject: story?public comment period on water
Importance: Normal
Hi Debra...
We're considering a story on this. If it affects us in Jackson County. Can you tell me if it does? A reader thinks it relaxes arsenic standards. Is there anything to that?
John Darling
Mail Tribune
Arsenic, Iron and Manganese Rulemaking
DEQ is proposing to change Oregon’s water quality standards for arsenic, iron and manganese. This proposal revises criteria established to protect human health and adds a requirement for certain wastewater dischargers to develop arsenic reduction plans. These changes are needed to account for the presence of naturally-occurring earth metals, including arsenic, iron and manganese, in Oregon waters and continue to protect human health. Without these changes, DEQ and regulated parties could be required to expend resources that will not result in health benefits.