From: Merrie Dinteman []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:58 AM
To: MATTHEWS Shelley
Subject: RE: Open Burning & Industrial Rule Questions
Shelley—Do you need more information about the advisory committee than is included in my earlier e-mail? I pieced together the information for you in my earlier e-mail. I had to ask Sally where some of them work because there is no current published list that has that information. Do you need their addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses?
From: MATTHEWS Shelley []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:39 AM
To: Merrie Dinteman
Subject: RE: Open Burning & Industrial Rule Questions
You’re correct, we only need the recommendations of the advisory committee, not their entire record of involvement. Please enclose the list of advisory committee members with their findings/recommendations.
Yes, please send me an electronic copy of the letter authorizing LRAPA to act as the EQC Hearing’s Officer. I apologize if I’ve misplaced my copy; I don’t recall receiving one, but may be mistaken. When one of our managers tried to sign that letter, which is against company policy (Andy Ginsburg must sign it), the manager was reprimanded, Margaret took over responsibility for getting Andy to sign it and I lost track of the process.
Thanks again, Merrie!
-----Original Message-----
From: Merrie Dinteman []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 8:56 AM
To: MATTHEWS Shelley
Subject: RE: Open Burning & Industrial Rule Questions
Shelley—Do you want just the recommendations of the advisory committee or the whole record of their involvement? They started reviewing the rules in November of 2007 and worked on it just about every month until June of this year. They had people come down from DEQ to talk to the group about DEQ’s rules for both permitting and air toxics. We’re still working on the air toxics rules and will be asking for authorization of hearing in the next three or four months.
I’ll send you whatever portion of that record you want. I’m thinking only the committee’s official recommendations to the board.
The committee is made up of members of the community who represent the areas required under state statute:
Russ Ayers (Chair), Weyerhasuser Pulp, Springfield—Major Industry
Maurie Denner (Vice-Chair), retired school teacher—General Public
Larry Dunlap, MD—Public Health
Paul Engelking, U of O chemistry professor—Environmental Concerns
Brian Forge, small wood-working business owner—General Public
Hugh Larkin II, Green Gear Bike Friday—General Public
Jim Leary, Country Coach, Junction City—Major Industry
Marilyn Lowe, substitute teacher--General Public
Amy Peccia, SierraPine, Springfield—Major Industry
Rick Rogers, Western Lane District, ODF—Fire Suppression
John Tamulonis, planner, City of Springfield—Public Planning
Gery Vander Meer, auto broker—General Public
At the moment we do not have a member representing agriculture. Our board and committee decided years ago to split industry representation into Title V and regular sources. We do not, at this time, have a representative of ACDPs. The Environmental rep started out as general public, but his concerns have been with the environmental segment of the community, and he has provided a good balance to industrial concerns.
As to the letter authorizing LRAPA to serve as EQC hearings officer for the permitting rules, we received the letter, signed by Andy Ginsburg, with copies to you, Uri Papish and George Davis on April 21. The letter was dated April 18, 2008. If you’d like, I can scan and e-mail you a copy from our copier.
From: MATTHEWS Shelley []
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:12 PM
To: Merrie Dinteman
Subject: Open Burning & Industrial Rule Questions
Larry McAllister and I just reviewed your packet of documents for the Open Burning Rule. Your Staff Report mentions an Advisory Committee. Do you have an Advisory Committee membership list showing member names and organizations? Did the Advisory Committee produce a report? If yes, could you please send me a copy of these documents.
Are you currently noticing your Industrial Rule? If yes, has DEQ issued you a letter authorizing LRAPA to act as the Hearings Officer on behalf of EQC.
Thanks again Merrie! You’re always so prompt and helpful.