Oregon Records Management Solution

Heat Smart - EQC staff report-1-18-11


''Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 10:18:06 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Rule amendments for residential woodstoves and other solid fuel burning devices. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 2-2011 Filed with Sec. of State: 3-10-2011 Certified to be Effective: 3-15-11 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2010 Rules Adopted: 340-262-0400, 340-262-0450, 340-262-0500, 340-262-0600, 340-262-0700, 340-262-0800, 340-262-0900 Rules Amended: 340-012-0054, 340-012-0140, 340-200-0040 Rules Repealed: 340-262-0010, 340-262-0020, 340-262-0030, 340-262-0040, 340-262-0050, 340-262-0100, 340-262-0110, 340-262-0120, 340-262-0130, 340-262-0200, 340-262-0210, 340-262-0220, 340-262-0230, 340-262-0240, 340-262-0250, 340-262-0300, 340-262-0310, 340-262-0320, 340-262-0330 Subject: This rulemaking implements the requirements of Senate Bill 102, a measure passed by the 2009 Oregon Legislature to protect Oregonians from uncontrolled wood smoke. The rules implement the statutory requirement for homeowners to remove and destroy any uncertified woodstove at the time of home sale and to notify DEQ. The rules subject a broader range of home and commercial heating devices (including outdoor wood-fired boilers and other uncontrolled wood burning devices) to certification requirements. Unless these heating devices meet the certification requirements, they will not be allowed to be sold in Oregon. The rules also update DEQ rules for implementing a wood burning curtailment program in a nonattainment area if needed. These rules will also be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan under OAR 340-200-0040.