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aq fedreg EQCStaffReportRuleAdoption


''Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 10:14:43 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Adoption of Federal Air Quality Regulations and Related Permit Rules. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 1-2011 Filed with Sec. of State: 2-24-2011 Certified to be Effective: 2-24-11 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2010 Rules Amended: 340-200-0040, 340-216-0020, 340-216-0060, 340-216-0064, 340-230-0030, 340-230-0300, 340-238-0040, 340-238-0060, 340-242-0500, 340-244-0030, 340-244-0220, 340-244-0234, 340-244-0236, 340-244-0238, 340-244-0242, 340-244-0244, 340-244-0248 Rules Repealed: 340-230-0400, 340-230-0410 Subject: The proposed rules would adopt standards to implement new and amended federal air quality regulations. The objectives of this rulemaking are to: • Protect public health; • Implement federally-delegated programs that regulate hazardous air pollutants and other air pollutants; and • Improve Oregon’s implementation of these programs. If adopted, this proposal would: • Adopt by reference federal area source standards regulating asphalt processing and asphalt roofing manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, chemical preparation, paint and allied product manufacturing, and prepared feeds manufacturing; • Repeal the adoption of existing federal standards regulating stationary internal combustion engines; • Add paint and allied product manufacturing to the list of business categories eligible to obtain a simple or general permit, and assign this source category to a general ACDP annual fee class; •Allow DEQ to defer the requirement to submit an application for, or to obtain an ACDP for up to twelve months; • Allow DEQ to use a portion of the ACDP non-technical permit modification fee to cover the change of ownership fee required in the underground storage tank rules; • Split the metal fabrication and finishing source category into multiple fee classes; • Exempt small metal fabrication and finishing facilities and small commercial ethylene oxide sterilization operations from permitting; • Extend the permit exemption for gasoline dispensing facilities with aboveground storage tanks that dispense less than 10,000 gallons of gasoline per month to also include those with underground tanks; • Clarify that the gasoline dispensing rule that prohibits “topping off” applies to the equipment used for the refueling of motor vehicles; • Correct an error that occurred in merging separate rules affecting gasoline dispensing facilities that inadvertently exempted aviation gasoline from emission standards required by the state implementation plan; • Clarify the requirements for gasoline cargo tanks, the calculation of monthly throughput, and when compliance demonstration testing is required; • Update the adoption by reference of existing federal rules to keep them consistent with federal amendments; and • Repeal the rules that implement the federal emission guidelines for hospital, medical and infectious waste incinerators.