From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Thu Sep 09 16:38:40 2010

To: ''

Subject: Legal ad for Sept. 16 - DJC

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Notice of Public Hearing for newspaper.docx;



Attached is the text of a legal advertisement for a public hearing to be held October 18, 2010. Would you please publish this notice in the DJC on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010. Please call or e-mail me to let me know that you received this request. After the ad has been typeset, please send me a confirmation of the notice publication, including the copy of the notice and the ad cost (cost per line, etc.), so I can complete the necessary requisition.

Thank you,

Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality | Air Quality Division

811 SW 6th Avenue Portland OR 97204

Ph 503-229-6866 | F 503-229-5675 |