Oregon Records Management Solution

RE: Review letter - Due 9/13


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 4:37:27 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Title V operating permit fee increases authorized in statute. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 16-2010 Filed with Sec. of State: 12-20-2010 Certified to be Effective: 12-20-10 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2010 Rules Amended: 340-220-0030, 340-220-0040, 340-220-0050 Subject: The rules: • Increase Title V fees for 2010 and 2011 and do not require retroactive fee collection; •Adopt a fee increase for 2009 identical to the August 2009 Environmental Quality Commission temporary rule amendments that allowed the Department of Environmental Quality to invoice Title V permittees on the normal 2009 billing schedule; and • The fees in the rules reflect a technical correction required by statute. Federal and state laws require permit fees fund Oregon’s entire Title V program. The statute increases the annual base fee beginning in 2010 and gives the Commission authority to adjust all of the fee categories by the annual change in the consumer price index. Title V permitting helps ensure that permit holders comply with state and federal emissions standards. Revenue from the fees will fund the program through 2012.