State of Oregon
Land Use Evaluation Statement
Rulemaking Proposal
OAR 340-016
Housekeeping and streamlining for DEQ-administered tax credits
1. Explain the purpose of the proposed rules.
The proposed rulemaking would:
• Adopt and amend Pollution Control Tax Credits rules to subdelegate certificate administration activities to DEQ;
• Repeal the Pollution Prevention Tax Credit pilot program rules. The statute authorized DEQ to issue program certificates through December 31, 1999.
• Amend the Truck Engine Tax Credit to align the last date of certificate issuance from December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2013 consistent with 2008 amendments to OL 2003.
2. Do the proposed rules affect existing rules, programs or activities that are considered land use programs in the DEQ State Agency Coordination (SAC) Program?
Yes No X
a. If yes, identify existing program/rule/activity:
b. If yes, do the existing statewide goal compliance and local plan compatibility procedures adequately cover the proposed rules?
Yes No (if no, explain):
c. If no, apply the following criteria to the proposed rules.
In the space below, state if the proposed rules are considered programs affecting land use. State the criteria and reasons for the determination.
The proposed rules do not affect land use regulations. They are housekeeping in nature and streamline administrative activities.
3. If the proposed rules have been determined a land use program under 2. above, but are not subject to existing land use compliance and compatibility procedures, explain the new procedures the Department will use to ensure compliance and compatibility.
Not applicable