Attachment C
State of Oregon
Relationship to Federal Requirements
Housekeeping and streamlining for DEQ-administered tax credits
Answers to the following questions identify how the proposed rulemaking relates to federal requirements and the justification for differing from, or adding to, federal requirements. This statement is required by OAR 340-011-0029(1).
1. Is the proposed rulemaking different from, or in addition to, applicable federal requirements? If so, what are the differences or additions?
The proposed rules apply to Oregon tax credits and do not have an applicable federal requirement.
2. If the proposal differs from, or is in addition to, applicable federal requirements, explain the reasons for the difference or addition (including as appropriate, the public health, environmental, scientific, economic, technological, administrative or other reasons).
Not applicable.
3. If the proposal differs from, or is in addition to, applicable federal requirements, did DEQ consider alternatives to the difference or addition? If so, describe the alternatives and the reason(s) they were not pursued.
Not applicable.