Housekeeping and Streamlining for DEQ-administered Tax Credits 

Certified effective date 12/20/2010

The Environmental Quality Commission:

 Adopted and amended Pollution Control Tax Credits rules to transfer certificate administration activities to DEQ;


 Repealed the Pollution Prevention Tax Credit pilot program rules. The statute authorized EQC to issue program certificates through December 31, 1999.


 Amended the Truck Engine Tax Credit to align the last date of certificate issuance to December 31, 2013 with 2009 amendments to chapter 618, Oregon Laws 2003 in a legislative note following ORS 315.356.



Adm. Order No.

DEQ 15-2010

EQC Adopted


Filed with Sec. of State


Notice Publication Date


Rules Adopted


Rules Amended

340-016-0080, 340-016-0210

Rules Repealed

340-016-0100, 340-016 -0110, 340-016-0120, 340-016-0130, 340-016-0140, 340-016-0150