From: Bob Jenks

Sent: Fri Aug 06 15:09:25 2010


Subject: Boardman Fiscal Advisory Committee

Importance: Normal



I volunteered (was volunteered?) to write up the County CAP agency fiscal impact.

County Governments run the Community Action Programs that administer the State and Federal Low Income Heating Assistance Programs. Increases in utility rates increase demand for these programs requiring county which will require counties to need to adjust staff to handle information requests, applications , one-on-one client support and advocacy, and referrals.

Note: I am really concerned about where DEQ is heading. The 2.5 particulate issue may undermine 2018 as an option. Your 2020 is too expensive and your 2015-16 does not allow enough time for replacement resources (at least as far as PGE is concerned). PGE asked DEQ for a rule that would require shut down by 2020, they are going to get back a rule that pushes them to keep it open until 2040. As someone who has been working for two years to get this plant phased out as an alternative to investing hundreds of millions of dollars in it, I cannot be more disappointed.


Bob Jenks

Executive Director

Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon

610 SW Broadway, Suite 308

Portland, OR 97204


(503)753-4190 (wireless)