Oregon Records Management Solution

RE: Correction on comment deadline


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 4:29:46 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Revisions to DEQ Regional Haze BART Rules for the PGE Boardman Power Plant. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 14-2010 Filed with Sec. of State: 12-10-2010 Certified to be Effective: 12-10-10 Notice Publication Date: 9-1-2010 Rules Adopted: 340-223-0060, 340-223-0070, 340-223-0080 Rules Amended: 340-200-0040, 340-223-0010, 340-223-0020, 340-223-0030, 340-223-0040, 340-223-0050 Subject: The federal regional haze rule requires states to adopt plans to improve visibility in 156 Class I areas across the country. Plans must address Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) standards for certain older industrial facilities built before 1977 by evaluating whether they cause significant visibility impacts in wilderness areas and national parks (Class I areas). If they do, the states must require new pollution controls to be installed within five years. DEQ’s current rules, adopted in 2009, included new BART requirements for the PGE Boardman Coal-Fired Power Plant. In April 2010, PGE asked DEQ to adopt less stringent emission limits based on a 2020 closure date. DEQ instead proposed three options with emission limits that would apply if PGE chose to close the plant in 2015, 2018, 2020 or 2040 or later. The comment period for that rule proposal closed on October 1. In late October, PGE proposed a new approach that would require the Boardman facility to meet increasingly stringent emission limits, close no later than Dec. 31 2020 and eliminate existing rules that allow the plant to operate indefinitely. DEQ re-opened the public comment period until November 15, 2010, to take public comments on this proposal. On December 10, 2010, the Environmental Quality Commission adopted revised BART rules for the PGE Boardman plant which included the stringent emission limits, permanent closure by 2020, and repealing of the 2009 rules, subject to EPA approval.