From: FINNERAN Brian
Sent: Mon Aug 09 10:13:53 2010
To: BROWN Kelcey
Subject: RE: Correction on comment deadline
Importance: Normal
Kelsey – we’re looking for specific comments on the draft fiscal statement from committee members, such as those mentioned last week, such as more info on impacts from job loss and lost revenue to Morrow County, or the impact of rate increases on county run low-income heating assistance programs, or economic impacts on tribal lands. These were topics that committee members needed more time to write up in the own words, and send in. Also, if any members think of additional comments of a specific nature, we need those too right away.
You had some comments on how the 3 closure options needed to take into consideration not just the emission reductions prior to the respective closure date, but the reductions afterwards, as part of the overall economic analysis and BART evaluation. You had a long talk with Mark Fisher on this, and I assume he understood your recommended approach. If you want to write something out along these lines and send it in, that would be fine. But I think Mark got the gist of it.
These comments being provided now are the same as those provided during the meeting itself. The final fiscal document may not include or reflect all comments made, as we as an agency have to decide what is pertinent and relevant to this fiscal and economic statement. For instance, we will be seeking comment on PGE’s BART III proposal, but a full analysis of this is not being provided in our fiscal statement.
Yes, as soon as the fiscal statement is revised, it will be sent back out to the committee for quick review. Time for additional revisions after that will be limited, so any remaining comments on the fiscal impact of this rulemaking may have to be provided during the public comment period in Sept.
Does this help?
From: BROWN Kelcey
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: Correction on comment deadline
Hi Brian,
The comments you are discussing below, are you anticipating those to also be on the revised Fiscal Impact Statement? If so, do you know when you might distribute the revised version to the committee?
I was under the misimpression that the comments parties were providing you were informative to the impact statement in providing actual lost job impacts, etc… However, it seems as though you are referring more to whether or not we have comments in general? Could you please clarify this for me.
Kelcey Brown
From: FINNERAN Brian []
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 3:15 PM
To:; Beverly Stewart;;;; BROWN Kelcey A.; Kevin Watkins;;;;
Subject: Correction on comment deadline
Importance: High
Greetings. Most of you have already sent in comments, as of today. Thank you! For those who haven’t yet, as a correction to my last email, the deadline should be Tuesday August 10th, by Noon, not Wednesday. If you still have comments to send, I’d appreciate a reply to this email so I can know who will be submitting them next week.
Have a good weekend,
Brian Finneran
DEQ Air Quality
(503) 229-6278
From: FINNERAN Brian
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:11 PM
To: BROWN Kelcey; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Beverly Stewart'; 'Kevin Watkins'
Cc: ''; COLLIER David; FISHER Mark; HAYES-GORMAN Linda; 'Arya Behbehani'; GINSBURG Andy; HAMMOND Joni; ''
Subject: Thank You for your participation
Importance: High
Thanks again to all of the Fiscal Advisory Committee members for attending and participating in the discussion at today’s meeting. It was a productive meeting and gave us some important information and improvements to make to our fiscal evaluation. We greatly appreciate your assistance and welcome any further comments you may have.
Some of you indicated you would provide some specific comments. If possible, please try to send them to me by the end of this week.
Please let me know by this Friday if you have comments and would like more time to send them. As we mentioned, we can provide a week or so for additional comments, although next Wednesday, Aug 10th by Noon will need to be the deadline to submit them. I will be sending out a revised version of the Fiscal Impact Statement immediately after this date for the committees’ review
Please contact me if you have any further questions about the fiscal evaluation, providing comments, or any other part of this rulemaking process.
Thanks again for taking the time and effort to assist DEQ in this effort!
Brian Finneran
DEQ Air Quality
(503) 229-6278