Oregon Records Management Solution

DEQ Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Update


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 4:16:12 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Greenhouse gas reporting requirements, fees and program updates. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 12-2010 Filed with Sec. of State: 10-27-2010 Certified to be Effective: 10-27-10 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2010 Rules Adopted: 340-215-0060 Rules Amended: 340-215-0010, 340-215-0020, 340-215-0030, 340-215-0040, 340-216-0020, 340-220-0050 Subject: Global warming poses a serious threat to Oregon’s economy, environment and public health. Greenhouse gas reporting is crucial for Oregon to track and evaluate its greenhouse gas emissions. The Environmental Quality Commission adopted rules in 2008 that require certain air contaminant sources to report greenhouse gas emissions to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The commission adopted rule amendments on October 22, 2010 that expand the reporting requirements to additional emission categories, establish fees and update the reporting program. The rules create reporting requirements for electricity suppliers and fuel distributors, which account for approximately two thirds of total greenhouse gas emissions for the state. The rules establish fees for reporting sources that hold air quality permits with DEQ to cover costs of developing and implementing the reporting program. The rules expand DEQ discretion on circumstances to defer or exempt facilities from reporting. The rules also avoid redundant reporting requirements and assure consistency in reporting by aligning Oregon’s requirements with federal greenhouse gas reporting rules.