Sent: Wed Aug 26 17:28:38 2009
To: CURTIS Andrea; PAPISH Uri; CAPP Carrie Ann
Subject: follow up to recent SRP
Importance: Normal
Carrie Ann, Ms. Curtis and Mr. Papish,
You presented SRP’s at ODAM on August 10th. It has been just over 2 weeks which is the timeframe for EMT members to Opt In/Out. I would recommend if you have not heard from all EMT members present that day, that you send a quick email to those folks you haven’t heard from indicating that if you don’t hear from them within 2 days, that they would be considered “Opted Out” for your rulemaking.
Always best to be clear who is in, who is out.
From my notes on 8/10, these folks were present at your SRPs:
Mitch W., Nina D., Andy G., Keith A., Neil M., Joni H., Leah Koss, Melissa Aerne (for Kerri Nelson), Joanie SS., Greg P. and Wendy W.