Oregon Records Management Solution

P-BeneficialUse eqc staff report


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 3:55:11 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Beneficial Use of Solid Waste – DEQ approval of proposals to beneficially use solid wastes rather than dispose of them. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 4-2010 Filed with Sec. of State: 5-14-2010 Certified to be Effective: 5-14-10 Notice Publication Date: 11-1-2009 Rules Adopted: 340-093-0260, 340-093-0270, 340-093-0280, 340-093-0290 Rules Amended: 340-093-0030, 340-097-0120 Subject: The purpose of these rules is to establish a process for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review of proposals to use solid wastes beneficially as an alternative to disposal. Currently, DEQ does not have an appropriate process or funding mechanism for evaluating requests by generators to use wastes beneficially. The rules will allow DEQ to issue beneficial use determinations (BUDs) rather than disposal permits for appropriate uses. Examples of solid waste uses are: • Spent foundry sand from the steel industry used as a substitute for virgin sand in making concrete; • Scrap asphalt roofing shingles used as a component of asphalt pavement; • Dredged sediments used for upland construction fill. Beneficial use of solid waste conserves energy, reduces the need to extract resource, reduces the demand for disposal facilities, and promotes sustainability. Requests for approval of beneficial uses have increased in Oregon as awareness of the potential opportunities to convert wastes to resources increases.