Sent:  Wednesday, June 03, 2009 6:10 PM


Subject:  SRF rulemaking update


Hi Joanie,

You “Opted In” to this rulemaking, so just a quick status on this rulemaking. “This rulemaking” being the permanent rule that is the follow up to the temporary SRF rule adopted by the EQC in April. This is the rule that allows DEQ/SRF to accept $44 million in stimulus money. That temporary rule expires in October.


The plan is to develop the permanent rule and the various notice documents between now and mid-June. Move the rule thru internal review in late June and then take it out for public comment from mid-July to mid-August. Then hopefully on to the EQC for adoption in October just prior to the temporary rule expiring.


Your directions when “ option in” were to simply include you on the list when noticing interested persons. Which I will do. I will not be including you during the internal review before the rule goes out for public comment, but will keep you updated as the rule progresses. Heaven help me if I use an outdated template with the wrong font or style.


All for now,
