DEQ's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program

DEQ administers Oregon's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to help public agencies finance water quality improvements.

Current News

Federal Economic Stimulus Funds
DEQ’s CWSRF loan program will receive approximately $45 million under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This funding will provide assistance to communities for water quality and wastewater infrastructure needs.  

 2009 Intended Use Plan - Update #3 PDF

 Adopted Temporary Rules and Statement of Need and Justification [combined documents] PDF

 Federal Stimulus and CWSRF Fact Sheet PDF

 Implementation Plan of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act PDF

 Economic Stimulus Letter to Eligible Applicants (December 2008) PDF

CWSRF Stimulus rulemaking (permanent rules)

In April 2009, the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) adopted temporary administrative rules that address the additional requirements of the Act. The temporary rules are effective for only 180 days and will expire in October 2009. To ensure DEQ’s program is able to meet the requirements of the Act and utilize possible additional funds, a permanent rulemaking is necessary.

-Proposed rule amendments

-Rulemaking Announcement

-Statement of Need and Fiscal and Economic Impact

- Land Use Evaluation Statement

-Relationship to Federal Requirements

-Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Hearing




Program Topics