Sent: Fri Jul 24 14:06:46 2009
To: ''
Subject: SRF notice to public
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2009ARRARulemakingAnnouncement.pdf; Criteria in rule.doc; Gary Attached is the rulemaking announcement I would like sent to your members. Take a look at it and let me know if you have any questions. It is a lot of information, but does give guidance if someone wants to know more about the changes in the SRF rules and how to comment if interested. The links under “additional materials available” will take readers to documents on our SRF webpage. I assume you will provide a sentence or two of intro in your email cover?? Also I have attached a copy of the SRF criteria we use in scoring/ranking projects. The points possible for each criteria are listed. Maximum points a proposed project can get is 100 points. Thanks, Larry 503 229-6412