From:                                                      ACWA  []

Sent:                                                        Monday, July 27, 2009 1:47 PM

To:                                                            LINDLEY Tom; David Miller; Dennis Clary; Ed Brookshier; Ernie Strahm; Gary Young; George Bostic; Guy Graham; Jerry Breazele; Keith Bedell; Keith White; Kenn Carter; Lyle Bridge; Mike Faught;  Muriel Gueissaz-Teufel; Ray Bartlett; Shannon Taylor; Shawn Moore; Tim Bingham; Todd Whitaker

Cc:                                                            MCALLISTER Larry; JOHNDOHL Judy

Subject:                                                  DEQ Revising SRF rules

Attachments:                                       2009ARRARulemakingAnnouncement.pdf


* Please forward as appropriate in your organization * * *


ACWA “Main Members”


DEQ is moving forward with adopting permanent rules to address the requirements in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provisions related to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Act) allows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to allocate $44.3 million to Oregon DEQ's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to create jobs and promote economic recovery.  To meet the requirements of the Act, the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) adopted temporary amendments to DEQ's CWSRF loan program administrative rules in April 2009.  By law, these temporary rules will expire in October 2009. The adoption of this permanent rulemaking will replace the temporary rules and ensure DEQ's program will meet the requirements of the Act.

The attached announcement provides background on the need for these rule revisions, and links to additional rulemaking information. 

DEQ has set three public hearings in Medford on August 17th;  Bend on August 18th,; and Portland on August 19th.  Additional details on the hearings including location and time are included in the attached announcement.   

Comments must be received by DEQ no later than 5 pm on August 24.

Larry McAllister at DEQ should be able to answer any questions you have – he can be reached at the above e-mail address or by phone in Portland at 503 229-6412.

Janet Gillaspie - Executive Director

Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA)

537 SE Ash, Suite 12

Portland, OR  97214

Phone:  (503)236-6722

Fax:  (503)236-6719



-----Original Message-----
From: MCALLISTER Larry []
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 4:48 PM
Subject: SRF notice to membership


Hi Janet,

I expect your ACWA conference went well this week.  It seemed half of HQ WQ was out of the office sometime this week.

I just left you a voice message regarding the attached notice document.  I appreciate in advance you assistance in getting this information out to your membership.

As you know the SRF program temporarily revised its admin rules last April to address the requirements of ARRA and to ensure DEQ could accept ARRA funding.  DEQ is now taking permanent (ARRA related) rules out for public notice in August.  I have attached the announcement for that rulemaking.  If you could send this to your membership by COB on Monday, that would be appreciated.

Here is a little introductory blurb if needed:

DEQ is revising the administrative rules for its Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan program.  The public is encourage to review and comment on the proposed rule revisions.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Act) allows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to allocate $44.3 million to Oregon DEQ's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to create jobs and promote economic recovery.  To meet the requirements of the Act, the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) adopted temporary amendments to DEQ's CWSRF loan program administrative rules in April 2009.  By law, these temporary rules will expire in October 2009. The adoption of this permanent rulemaking will replace the temporary rules and ensure DEQ's program will meet the requirements of the Act.

The attached announcement provides background on the need for these rule revisions, and links to additional rulemaking information.  Note there will be three public hearings where DEQ will be taking comments on the rule revisions.  All comments have to be received at DEQ no later than August 24.

Thanks Janet.  I will be out of the office on Monday, 7/27.   If you have, please call Judy Johndohl.

