From: Gary Whitney

Sent: Sat Jul 25 07:42:53 2009


Cc: MCALLISTER Larry; 'Gary Whitney'

Subject: FW: SRF notice to public

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2009ARRARulemakingAnnouncement.pdf;


Greetings All;

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has asked us to share the following information with you:

1. DEQ is making some changes to the administrative rules that govern its Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund. The rules will allow DEQ to continue to provide 0% interest loans and a high level of principal forgiveness using the limited ARRA funds. The ARRA funds have already been designated to applicants, but without this rule, DEQ will not be able to continue those incentives if additional ARRA funds showed up down the road.

2. The rules are open for public comment through August 24.

3. If you want to provide comments the attachment tells how to go about doing that.

4. The attachment also has links to additional information on the rules and on the process.

There is a lot of information here. I’ve read through the proposed rule changes and didn’t see any red flags from the District standpoint. The changes to the rules only affect the federal ‘stimulus” funds, but they are provisions that would be helpful to districts working on non point source projects. My suggestion is that districts support these revisions, and perhaps recommend to DEQ further steps toward nonpoint source funding viability. Here is a link to more information:

Thanks, Gary