August 17, 2009
The Honorable Jackie Dingfelder
Oregon State Senate
Chair, Environment & Natural Resources Committee
900 Court St. NE., S-407
Salem, OR 97301
Dear Senator Dingfelder:
This letter complies with ORS 183.335(15), requiring notice of a proposed Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) rulemaking.
DEQ’s Water Quality Program proposes to amend the administrative rules of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund in order to incorporate specific requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. If adopted, these amendments will ensure DEQ’s program is able to continue to meet the requirements of the Act.
Attached is a Rulemaking Announcement which provides background information, the need for this rulemaking, the public comment and public hearing opportunities, and how to obtain additional information. If you have questions or comments, please call me at (503) 229-5327.
Larry McAllister
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Coordinator
Water Quality Division
cc: Greg Aldrich, Government Relations Manager, DEQ