From: John McDonald

Sent: Thu Aug 13 17:17:59 2009

To: Baker Valley SWCD; Benton SWCD; Clackamas County SWCD; Clatsop SWCD; Columbia SWCD; Coos SWCD; Crook County SWCD; Curry County SWCD; Deschutes SWCD; Douglas SWCD; East Multnomah SWCD; Fort Rock/Silver Lake SWCD; Gilliam County SWCD; Grant SWCD; Harney SWCD; Hood River SWCD; Illinois Valley SWCD; Jackson SWCD; Jefferson County SWCD; Josephine SWCD; Klamath SWCD; Lincoln SWCD; Linn SWCD; Malheur County SWCD; Marion SWCD; Monument SWCD; Morrow SWCD; Polk SWCD; Sherman County SWCD; Siuslaw SWCD; Tillamook County SWCD ; Tualatin SWCD; Umatilla County SWCD; Umpqua SWCD; Union SWCD; Upper Willamette SWCD; Wallowa SWCD; Wasco County SWCD; West Multnomah SWCD; Wheeler SWCD; Yamhill SWCD; Barbara Niedermeyer ; Charles Boyer; 'David Simmons'; 'Donald Guttridge'; Jane Keppinger; Jim McElligott; 'John McDonald'; Johnny Sundstrom; Karla Sanders; Martin Kerns; Mel Omeg; Meta Loftsgaarden; Paul Reed; Ross Shumway; Tom Hatfield


Subject: DEQ rulemaking announcement

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Special Reserve GovDelivery Notice.docx;


Received from Larry McAllister

Oregon DEQ

503 229-6412

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is proposing additional changes to its administrative rules for its Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program. The recent community response to the program’s generous loans provided under funding by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has again highlighted the financial need in Oregon to address water quality issues. To assist those communities not able to acquire ARRA funding, DEQ is now proposing rule revisions that will, if adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission, allow zero interest loans for about $24 million dollars during FY 2010 only. The attached document provides a link to DEQ’s website where additional information is available as well as a DEQ contact.

<<Special Reserve GovDelivery Notice.docx>>