Sent: Wed Aug 12 11:00:50 2009


Subject: RE: DEQ notice

Importance: Normal


Please do so Larry. Thanks


Mark J. Landauer

Special Districts Association of Oregon

Government Affairs

Office (503) 798-9243 ext. 123

Cell (503) 896-2338

From: MCALLISTER Larry []

Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:55 AM

To: Mark Landauer

Subject: DEQ notice


DEQ finds itself in a year of rulemaking. We now have another opportunity to notify the public that DEQ’s Water Quality division is revising its administrative rules for its Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan program.

To date this year Mark, DEQ has (using the mailing list you provided) sent out 3 notices to your membership regarding our loan program. We now would like to send out another notice (attached). This notice regards changes we are proposing to our loan fund for just the current fiscal year.

Please read the attached notice and let me know if you are ok with us sending this notice to your membership. The notice will go out as a post card and contains a URL that your members can then go to for further information.

Thanks Mark,

Larry McAllister

CWSRF program coordinator

1 800 452-4011

<<Special Reserve US Mail Notice.docx>>