Sent: Thu Jun 18 10:33:55 2009



Subject: SRF temporary timeline

Importance: Normal



Based on my work notes and dates on rulemaking documents submitted to other offices, I have developed a timeline of when events or discussions occurred in the development of the SRF temporary stimulus rule. The dates of the internal discussions are based on the best information I have.



February 10, 2009 – Start Rulemaking Proposal presented to ODAM

February 17 – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 signed by President

February 17 – financial workgroup convened

February 24 – internal discussion about level of principal forgiveness

February 26 – internal discussion about small communities

February 26 – Director’s Dialogue at EQC (update on rule and ARRA)


March 2 – initial internal review of proposed draft rules

March 2 – discussion with DOJ re: Oct 1, 2008 deadline

March 2-6 – internal review of EQC packet by rulemaking team

March 5 – WQ Administrator reviews EQC package

March 10 – ODAM update on rulemaking

March 12 – continuing discussion with DOJ (Lynn Nagasako) defining when “debt” occurs

March 17 – DOJ final review of EQC staff report

March 17- EQC staff report submitted to OD



April 17 - EQC adoption of the temporary rule

April 27 – Legislative Council receives copy of adopted rules

April 29 – Filed with SOS


May 1, Temporary rule becomes effective

May 26 – adopted temporary rules noticed to interested parties