Oregon Records Management Solution

expedited enforcement EQC packet


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 2:48:39 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Revisions to DEQ Enforcement Rules Describing the Use of Expedited Enforcement in DEQ programs. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 14-2008 Filed with Sec. of State: 11-10-2008 Certified to be Effective: 11-10-08 Notice Publication Date: 4-1-2008 RulesAmended: 340-012-0030, 340-012-0038, 340-012-0155, 340-012-0170, 340-200-0040 Subject: This rulemaking adds OAR 340-012-0170(2), which describes the process by and conditions under which the Department may make “expedited enforcement offers” to settle violations of environmental law as an alternative to the Department’s formal enforcement action process already waiving the right to a hearing and judicial review of the Department’s enforcement action. This rulemaking also defines “expedited enforcement offer” in OAR 340-012-0030 and describes what an “expedited settlement offer: is and how it is used in OAR 340-012-0038. This rulemaking also makes two housekeeping changes regarding underground storage tank enforcement provisions that sunsetted on December 31,2005. Finally, the rulemaking amend the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (SIP) and therefore will amend the date the SIP was last modified.